Engagement with this course will support practitioners to;

  • Gain an improved understanding of engineering in general to increase confidence in discussing engineering with children
  • Appreciate what early years engineering looks like and how best to facilitate and develop engineering behaviours
  • Understand how to build engineering identities, tackling stereotypes and building confidence in all learners to get involved in engineering, across the whole setting

This course will explore how to support and improve parental involvement and enagagement through self study in your own time.

This online Self Study Course looks at how practitioners can work with families to share their focus on the importance of play and learning, how parents can participate in their child’s play learning and development and explore ways to develop their understanding of learning both in the setting and at home.

The disruptions of the Covid-19 pandemic have brought in to sharper focus, how building and maintaining strong links with parents should remain a key consideration for early years practitioners

Involving, Engaging and Connecting with Parents will focuses on the importance of working together and building and maintaining relationships of mutual trust and respect with parents.

Engagement with this course will support practitioners to explore how to;

  • develop a real understanding of tinkering and how to add to your practice,
  • explore the possibilities of using authentic and real-life and materials,
  • explore how to develop rich learning experiences and open-ended play experiences through STEM.

These sessions will explore how to support and improve high quality observations through self study, moderated forums and regular live webinars. 

Engagement with this course will support practitioners to;

  • have a clearer understanding of the core features of successful observation practice.
  • examine observational skills to maximise the potential of children’s play experiences.
  • learn about the nature and extent of a child’s learning through observations, the significance of this and how best to support next steps.
  • have a better understanding about using observations to evaluate learning.

Engagement with this course will support practitioners to explore how to;

•Develop a highly engaging and creative environment for children
•Understand and recognise how to develop STEM and rich learning experiences through open-ended play experiences
•Offer children opportunities to express themselves freely and creatively, not bound by pre-set limitations

Open-ended Play – what that means in practice...

•Focusing on the aspects of play that capture children’s imaginations and taking time to explore materials and ideas
•Providing children with endless possibilities to express their creativity freely
•Looking at ways to ensure that children have enriching and memorable experiences
•Supporting practitioners to provide open-ended opportunities to support children’s learning
•Exploring ways to enable learning in a holistic way, through active play with diverse materials.

This course will explore how to support and improve High quality Learning Experiences through self study, with the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas through a Discussion Forum.

You will explore how to;

  • develop a highly engaging and creative curriculum
  • provide an outstanding range of innovative, exciting learning experiences that match the needs of all learners.
And investigate following the children’s interests – what that means in practice...

  • Focusing on the aspects of the curriculum that capture the children’s imaginations and taking time to explore their questions and ideas further.
  • Looking at ways to ensure that children have enriching and memorable experiences.
  • Supporting you to try out new ideas to keep things fresh.
  • Exploring enabling environments to provide rich learning opportunities.